A New Chapter Joins WCE

The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District is the newest WCE chapter.

Meet WCE’s Newest Chapter

In May of 2014, a new group, the employees at the Marin Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District (MSMVCD), voted overwhelmingly to join WCE. The 30+ employees of the MSMVCD had been unrepresented for approximately 10 years. With many changes happening at the District and a three-year MOU expiring, they felt that they needed professional representation.

A new MOU was negotiated in June and July, with a term from August 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. Among the thornier issues in negotiations, the parties agreed to split the historically wall-to-wall unit into a general unit and a management/confidential unit. In the process, job classifications were revamped and retitled, and some employees got equity raises to reflect additional duties and responsibilities. All employees received across-the-board adjustments for all three years, and the majority of the benefits remained largely intact, including excellent health contributions by the District, as well as retiree health benefits.

The job classifications at the MSMVCD encompass a range of professional duties (biologists, insect identification specialist, program managers), as well as the invaluable mosquito and vector control technicians who work in the two counties to protect us from vector-borne illnesses such as West Nile virus.

WCE is proud to be representing the valuable, hard-working and professional employees at the MSMVCD. Welcome!

© 1999- Western Council of Engineers

Western Council of Engineers ♦ Diane Dillon: 707.291-5778